Contact us
For general enquiries please complete the form below. To add a name to the waiting list, please follow this link instead.
Due to the very large number of related enquiries, we cannot respond to questions relating to waiting lists, whether by email, phone or the general enquiries contact form. We understand that this can be frustrating but in order that our volunteers can focus on running the club, this approach is necessary. Your patience is very much appreciated.
Please be considerate when parking at the gym. We have young, excited and tired children coming and going.
It is extremely important that cars park sensibly.
Cars must not park on the pedestrian crossing.
Cars must not park on the yellow hashed boxes immediately outside the gym.
Cars must not park on the double yellow lines (no exceptions)
Any instructions received from the site security staff must be acted upon immediately.
Please utilise the spaces on the other side of the pedestrian crossing, to the right of the gym. These were built specifically for the gym.

Unit 9
Trecenydd Business Park
CF83 2RZ
Tel: 02921 321551 (manned by volunteers. Thanks in advance for your patience)
1) Due to the very large numbers of enquiries received, we ask that all enquiries are submitted via the above contact form. This allows us to process all inquiries as soon as possible.
2) Our phone is manned by volunteers on a rota basis. Thanks in advance for your patience and please default to the contact form whenever possible.